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The Health and Social Services Department of the Diocese is aiming at promoting people’s standards of health through disease prevention, treatment, care, support, and advocacy. We partner with other institutions in the multinational HIV/AIDS programs, social life interactions and General Health care Programs. This is aimed at bringing better health to the hurting, deprived, diseased and orphaned people as a means of fulfilling Jesus’ mission of having life in its fullness.

DIOCESAN VISION: Giving life in its fullness (John 10:10)

Departmental Vision: Healthy people living in healthy communities

Mission: Contribute to the attainment of a good standard of health to all people in the areas under the influence of the Diocese in order to promote their wellbeing and development

Overall Strategic Objective: Coordinating the facility and non- facility based health services, work towards the improvement of livelihood programs and the promotion of social services in the Diocese.

Specific Objectives:

  1. To scale up access to HIV/AIDS prevention care and treatment programme.
  2. To empower communities enhance their livelihoods security
  3. To promote Community Health Services in Namirembe Diocese.

Core Programme Areas:

  1. HIV/AIDS Programme
  2. Livelihood Empowerment Programme
  3. Community Health Promotion Programme
  4. Institutional Capacity Building Programme.


The HIV/AIDS program focuses on Peer Education among the Youth and children, Post HIV test activities, Positive Parenting, Integration of HIV/AIDS in Worship and Liturgy, Voluntary Counseling and Testing (VCT), equipping people living with HIV/AIDS with the skills to participate in income generating activities, training Community Peer Educators and Counselors and running health units to facilitate treatment.


To scale up access of HIV/AIDS prevention care and treatment progamme


  • To promote health behavior with respect to HIV/AIDS through awareness campaigns, capacity building and advocacy
  • To scale up the wellbeing of Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC) through addressing their challenges in order to improve their livelihood
  • To extend support, care and capacity development to Post Test Club net works in order to restore hope in their lives
  • To uplift the quality of living in homes so as to boast the standards of living of the people as an entry of prevention and care intervention



Livelihood Empowerment program concerns the uplifting of the communities to have a sustainable way living with others.

Livelihood Empowerment program has been sampled with Kasekulo landing site Mugoye Sub County Kalangala District Ssese Islands in a project Lake Victoria Livelihood Programme partnering with COU – PDR and Diakonia Sweden.

The programme has run activities under the following components

  1. HIV/AIDS awareness, this was to sensitize the community about the scourge of the Virus and addressing the effects resulting after being affected i.e. Orphanage. In this component service delivery to Orphans and vulnerable children have been sponsored with scholastic material and sanitary wear with school meals, others have been subjected to apprenticeship skills in tailoring and have been given sewing machines and staring material to boost their livelihood, Voluntary Counseling and Testing services and CD4 count blood collection with transport for referral has been offered to those infected who cannot meet the costs to health centres, first aid Drugs have been given with the help of Home Based Care service providers.
  2. Economic Empowerment through Voluntary Saving and Loaning, training in business skills, opening up of Income Generating Activities at individual level, study tours to add value on promotion of Income Generating Activities to scale up poverty among the community members.
  3. Coordination and capacity building mainly with other service providers i.e. Kalangala District Health Offices, Police, Judiciary and Kalangala Home Based Voluntary Counseling and Testing.
  4. Social Justice as a component in the project has managed to train the community in matters of being aware of their Human rights, children rights have been enforced with the locality, training of community leaders to enhance rights and governance, training of the paralegals to help the community in raising their concerns about rights. Read More