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Women’s desk

Women’s Desk is a Christian Faith based umbrella Organization for all women Fellowships in the Diocese. The desk was formed so as to motivate women to plan together, share experiences, formulate and implement programs within their respective Fellowships in order to realize meaningful human development. The current composition of the Desk includes;

  1. Mothers’ Union
  2. Christian Women Fellowship
  3. Clergy wives
  4. Clergy women
  5. Minus One
  6. Lay Readers’ wives
  7. Daughters of the King
  8. Naomi Ministry (Widows)
  9. Lay Readers Women

Leadership and management; The Women’s Desk leadership is in levels;

Executive Board

The Board is composed of;

Chairperson who is appointed by the sitting Bishop and the other Board members are elected at a special meeting of the fellowship leaders that have made it to the Diocesan Level. The elections are conducted by the Diocesan Secretary to elect the Vice Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer and three members without portfolio.


  1. The council is composed of 31 members drawn from all the nine fellowships which include; Three members (the President/chairperson, Secretary, and Treasurer),
  2. The Bishop’s wife,
  3. Two co-opted members and
  4. The chairperson of the Desk


To transform Christian Families to be able to attain and realize abundant life in Jesus Christ while caring for others


The mission of the Desk is not different from the Diocesan mission which is;

To empower women to participated in meaningful production through group formation, experience sharing, initiation and implementation of projects with the eventual goal of poverty eradication/improving their quality of life and dignity in the society

Overall objective

The overall objective is to improve the quality of life of women in Namirembe Diocese by building their capacity and increased participation in income generating activities so that women below poverty line can be reduced.

Areas of focus include but not limited;

  1. Christian living morals
  2. Capacity building/skills Development
  3. Economic empowerment
  4. Networking
  5. Advocacy
  6. Health
  7. Agriculture/Animal husbandry

Joint activities

The women fellowships derive their programs from the women desk strategic plan for implementation in their different groups. However, they are particular activities that are jointly carried out for teamwork and increment of togetherness. The activities include;


This is when women cone together for strategic planning which work as a guide to all fellowships.

Diocesan Women Prayer Day held every 3rd Saturday of January where women are expected to congregate at their Parishes and pray for issues concerning family, church socio-economic and politics Parish level

World Women Day of prayer is ecumenical prayer involving women from different denominations Namirembe women participate under Women’s Desk

Focusfest is a women convention that involves all women in the Diocese the Women’s council is responsible for the planning mobilization of participants

Leadership training

All women leaders at the Diocesan level are trained in leadership skills and inducted in their specific roles as they assume offices under capacity building strategy

Namirembe Elderly Women Project

“Older Women Better World Project was initiated in 2016 and is committed to promoting fullness of life to the elderly by providing basic needs to meet physical, emotional, spiritual and social wellbeing of the uncared for, the sick, disabled, destitute elderly persons and advocating for the presence and value of the elderly in the society in Namirembe Diocese.

AIMS/GOAL; “Lighting up the lives of the older women”,” Providing basic needs to the older women in Namirembe Diocese and ensuring them a peaceful living with concern and holistic care is the primary goal of the project.

The aims and objectives are;

  1. To cater for the needs of aged and invalid destitute found in Namirembe Diocese – (the needs include physical, mental, socio-emotional and spiritual)
  2. Restore human worth and dignity of the older women.
  3. Advocate on behalf of the older women and create a society that cares for them.




  • To advocate and sensitize the younger generation and society and create a social awareness about the problem of older people in the seven Archdeaconries in Namirembe Diocese by 2018.
  • To provide health support, love and care stand by them in the time of distress and discomfort.
  • To provide basic needs for example shelter, water and sanitation, economic empowerment, with medical care and skills in food security
    1. Construct simple but affordable 20 houses for the older poor women in Namirembe Dioceses by 2020
  1. To provide clean and improved sanitation for the 100 older women by 2020 through rain harvesting and construction of long drop toilets
  2. To provide the older women psychiatric care to raise their emotional and psychological standards hence addressing their psychological problems.
  • Support education of their orphaned grand children