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Alexander Mackay Cave

This is where the Anglican Missionary, Alexander Murdoch Mackay (13th October 1849 – 4th February 1890) first preached Christianity and translated the Bible into Luganda. From here, Mackay taught various skills to the locals, including carpentry and farming. He was named Muzungu wa kazi by the Ugandans.

In 1884 King Muteesa 1 died and his son Mwanga Basamula Ekkere succeeded him and he vowed to stamp out Christianity and its followers. Because of this development Mackay dug a cave where the converts could hide and be taught religion. While teaching the converts, he used to tell them “never surrender” which was translated in Luganda as “temudda nnyuma” a slogan which is still used by Mackay Primary School and Mackay College.

The cave was a near a tree and also near the well. The tree was used as a tower for someone to see if there was anyone coming. The tree dried up but the well is still there. During these times of hardship Mackay in 1888 decided to go to Karagwe and seek God. While there he died of fever on 8th February 1890 after 12 years of unbroken service to the King of kings in Buganda. While in Karagwe, he made a design of the Church which he wanted to build at Nateete on his return. For more details, pay a visit to the cave and learn more……