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Musa Mukasa

Clergy taking readings at Musa Mukasa Monument

Who was Musa Mukasa?

Musa Mukasa was one of the palace pages. He belonged to a Ffumbe clan, joined the palace during the reign of King Suna II. He came with his sister who gave birth to King Walugembe Mutesa I. He was a strong, hard working and humble boy during his service in the palace. He was in charge of the King’s Shrine, responsible for lighting fire at a specified time.

When King Mwanga II became a Muslim, the shrine became a mosque. At this time it was still Musa Mukasa who was elevated to become a “MWAZINI” (one who invites Muslims for prayers), the work he did so well and he won favor before the Kabaka. Because of his best performance he was nicknamed “Muzingiti Mwazi” because he spent most of the time in the mosque and on duty.

Why we commemorate Musa Mukasa

He was an ordinary person who was among the palace pages (Abagaagala) conversion and accepting Jesus Christ changed him. He went to meet the Lord and his blood was the seed of faith. What he planted has continued to grow. Thousands of Christians accept Christ in this place; they confess sins and refuel their souls. There is continued urge for ministry.

We have seen people delivered.  The power of God has manifested in this place. This has turned out to be an action centred spot, the breeze cannot go un noticed, it would make an impact which you may see gradually at home, place of work and even in your physical life, while your life keeps changing every now and then you’re able to notice the good cause why Musa Mukasa is recollected from time to time.

Recollection is so vital for spiritual nurturing, spiritual nourishment and faith renewal. We equate our lives to that of Musa Mukasa who was for the Lord.