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Baweereza Project

Baweereza House Project Artistic Impression

Namirembe Diocese under the visionary leadership of Bishop Wilberforce Kityo Luwalira embarked on the construction of Bawereeza Project which at first was known as Pension House to support the existing retirement scheme of the Diocese. The name was changed to Bawereeza after a technical review by the supervisory committee of the ongoing works of the project to embrace other needs the project will carter for that go beyond pension. Take note that pension is a type of retirement plan that provides monthly income in retirement.

The Diocese currently has over 107 clergy and 310 Lay readers in active service who at a certain point in life will retire and need financial support for survival. In addition, the Diocese has retired clergy and lay readers who are in need of financial support for a decent lifestyle, many families of retired servants of God have lost their bread winners, and others are in bad health among other challenges. It’s upon that background that Bishop Luwalira proposed for the construction of Bawereeza which was passed by the Diocesan Council that sat in June 2017. It was revealed that the project will be worth Ug shs10billion and it is estimated to be completed within a period of 2 years.

A committee comprising of the Diocesan Secretary, Dean of St. Paul’s Cathedral Namirembe, All the six (6) Archdeacons and the Diocesan Planning and Development Secretary was appointed by the council to take responsibility of overseeing the completion of the project. Among the responsibilities of the committee is to mobilize funds and strictly supervise the process of construction till completion. As of now it is believed that the project will be used as a student hostel or it will be rented out to any potential development partner who subscribes to the Christian values of the Diocese.

The first phase of the construction was funded by the Diocese which included site clearing, construction of the foundation block and the retaining wall to prevent soil down pour and installing the metallic bars.


The Diocese appeals to the Christians, development partners, friends and well wishers to support the completion of the Bawereeza House. There’s still a long way to go and any contribution in form of finances and materials is highly appreciated. God Bless you all as you support the development Of His Kingdom.


For support/ or more Information please contact

The Bishop’s Office

The Rt. Rev. Wilberforce Kityo Luwalira


Tel: +256779105127


The Diocesan Secretary

Rev. Canon Henry Segawa

Tel: +256772501764