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The Rt. Rev. Onesimus Asiimwe consecrated as the 6th bishop of North Kigezi Diocese.

The Archbishop of The Church of Uganda, The Most Rev. Dr. Stephen Samuel Kaziimba Mugalu charged Bishop Onesimus Asiimwe and Christians of North Kigezi Diocese to engage in meaningful income generating projects for sustainability of Church ministry and programs.
Archbishop Kaziimba made the remarks while presiding over the consecration and enthronement of Rt Rev Onesimus Asiimwe as the 6th Bishop of North Kigezi Diocese at Emmanuel Cathedral, Kinyasano in Rukungiri Municipality.

“Stand firm and earn honest income so that God can bless you and generations to come won’t Judge you harshly,” Archbishop Kaziimba said.
He added, “The Church should remain a transformational institution and exploit more opportunities as we serve the community. I thank the Government of Uganda for the mutual partnership in bringing services to the people of Uganda.”
Archbishop Kaziimba warned Christians of North Kigezi to desist from unprofitable and ungodly acts, reminding them that North Kigezi is known for the Revival and Great Missionary Work that evangelised the entire world and should be guarded jealously.

The Vice President of the Republic of Uganda, Major (Rtd) Jessica Alupo who represented President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, said that the Lord has chosen Bishop Onesimus Asiimwe to lead the people of North Kigezi to righteousness and thanked the House of Bishops for electing him.
President Museveni commended the Church of Uganda for its commitment to teach people on how they can improve their livelihoods and contribute to the development of the church and the country at large.

President Museveni called on all the believers to support the new Bishop so that the Diocese can develop.
The President donated a new brand vehicle to Bishop Asiimwe to help him in his ministry.
In his sermon, Archbishop Emeritus of the Church of Uganda, Rt Rev. Henry Luke Orombi asked the new Bishop, whom he mentored since 1997, to be a good shepherd and guide God’s people to righteousness without discrimination.
“I got to know Bishop Asiimwe as a young man and saw in him a person passionate about evangelism and a rising star in him and I am now happy that the rising star has risen since my prophesy of him becoming a servant of God and a Bishop at most has come to pass,” Archbishop Emeritus Orombi said.

He asked him to become a leader who has got followers because any leader without a following will find himself alone and charged him to touch the hearts of the young generation who are being swayed away from the doctrine and good upbringing.
“Some parents are absent and they have failed to do their responsibilities and satan is stealing them for bad vices like homosexuality,” Archbishop Emeritus Orombi said.

In his Charge, Bishop Asiimwe said that he will use his time as the Bishop of North Kigezi Diocese to focus on evangelism with emphasis to expand the church both in numbers and infrastructure and also ensure promotion of family values.
“Prayer must be emphasized based on togetherness and unity. I will ensure that all our Schools begin with morning Prayers,” Bishop Asiimwe said.
He pointed out areas of specific focus which will include, mission, evangelism and revival, reconciliation, church prayers, clergy meetings, anti-homosexuality, gender based violence, prayer in schools before opening, improvement of education, strengthening of the Diocesan SACCO, completion of the Diocesan Cathedral, transformation of North Kigezi Health Center IV into a Rural Hospital among many others.
The function was attended by the 1st Prime Minister Rt. Hon. Rebecca Alitwala Kadaga, Ministers; Maj. Gen (Rtd) Jim Muhwezi, Chris Baryomunsi, David Bahati, Henry Musasizi, Sarah Mateke, and Members of Parliament among others.

The Chairman organizing Committee, Maj Gen (Rtd) Jim Muhwezi and his team donated a brand new car with fuel to Mama Gladys Magezi, the widow to the Late Bishop Benon Magezi, and also gave a retirement package to Bishop Patrick Tugume Tusingwire who has been the Caretaker Bishop since the death of Bishop Magezi in 2021.


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