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Minus one

It is a fellowship for Clergy and Lay Readers widows in Namirembe Diocese.

Minus one literally means “now I am minus one, therefore alone”.

It was initiated in 1997 by the Bishop of Namirembe Diocese. The Rt. Samuel Balagadde Ssekadde and was approved by the Diocesan Synod, after focusing the challenges the widows of the Clergy and Lay Readers were facing.


To have a common cause as widows.


To empower Clergy and Lay Readers widows spiritually and economically.


Strengthen the Widows and to enable them attain the objectives of the fellowship.


  1. To promote Christianity among themselves
  2. To improve their social and economic status through gaining skills
  3. To promote unity and fellowship among themselves
  4. Sharing the faith in the Lord Jesus Christ
  5. Encourage the physically and emotionally weak


Organize monthly fellowships. In which all members’ welfare and prayers.

Identifying the sick, the bereaved and down casted for visitations.

Craft selling

Skills training in tailoring and cookery

Identify themselves with women’s desk in organizing focus fest an annual women’s conference.


Patron-Maama Faith Luwalira

Chairperson-Mrs Bulime Rose

Secretary-Mrs.Kalungi Eveline

Treasurer-Mrs. Izimba Betty

Development- Maama Kauma Geraldine

Press- Nyanzi Harriet


Minus-one fellowship for Clergy and Lay Readers Widows under the patronage of Mrs. Faith Luwalira. Membership is open to all Clergy and Lay Readers’ widows whose husbands passed away in active service in Namirembe Diocese.

Its activities as programmes are funded by people of good will.