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684 West College St. Sun City, United States America, 064781.

(+55) 654 - 545 - 1235

Research & Information

Research and Information is one of the departments of the Diocese purposely established to promote evidence based programs management which is aligned with Information Communications Technology (ICT).

The department invests in Multi disciplinary research through evidence based needs analysis, planning and Intervention so as to ensure sustainable church growth and development in line with the biblical values and principles.

To facilitate Evidence based planning in the Diocese, we provide well researched information which supports the analysis, formulation, implementation, designing, monitoring and evaluation of policies and programs.

The department is coordinated by the Diocesan Research and Information officer who is supervised by the Bishop’s office.


The department is mandated to undertake the initiation, analysis, growth, coordination, quality assurance and promotion of the Diocese:

  1. Evidence based research, policies and programs
  2. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) undertaking

Overall goal; To enhance the institutional capacity building in undertaking and utilizing evidence based: research, information technology. Programing and service delivery for ensuring efficient ministry work and sustainable development.

 Strategic Objectives

Three objectives guide our activities,

  1. Build, strengthen and promote the uptake of evidence based research, programs and information management initiatives for identifying the increasing needs of the Church community and establishing standard intervention mechanisms.
  2. Increase evidence based management practices, knowledge and skills by capacitating and empowering the diocesan (churches, departments and fellowships) to effectively utilize evidence based research in planning, programming and quality assurance to minimize wastage of resources, duplication of service and delay.
  3. Establish and promote and strengthen result oriented management (ROM) systems and practices so as to improve service delivery, management effectiveness and accountability.

Core Program Areas (CPAs)

The department is structured into four (4) Core Program Areas

  1. Evidence based Research
  2. Information Technology
  3. News & Publications ( Communication)
  4. Institutional Capacity Building (Cross cutting)
  5. Quality Assurance
Research Areas Information Technology News and Publications Institutional Capacity Building
Church, Mission and Evangelism Website management Bishop’s Newsletter and dissemination ICT trainings
Agriculture Social media activities Research Reports Projection of emerging national, regional and global trend
Education Database management Press-releases Evidence gathering
Environment and Natural Resources Troubleshooting of computers, laptops, tablets, and other I.T Peripherals. Pastoral message and sermons. Partners and networks
Leadership and Governance Monitoring, Supervising and control of computer use and I.T peripherals Photos and video coverage. Monitoring/tracking and Evaluation
Economic development. Accountability/reporting
Human Rights Best Practices, documentation and dissemination
Technology Sustainability and continuity

Departmental Functions

  1. Undertake evidence based research.
  2. Facilitate results oriented programming and reporting.
  3. Initiation, planning, development, coordination and promotion of information Communication Technology (ICT) undertakings.
  4. Provides strategic direction for areas found inadequately served with inadequate data.
  5. Identification and projection of national, regional and global trends for making God’s ministry more efficient, effective and relevant to modern times of evangelism.
  6. Quality assurance

Our strategy and mode of operation involves;

  1. Evidence based research and programming which ensures that each program is built informed by a specific situation and needs of the Diocese and communities; ensure comprehensive programming, relevant service delivery and effective monitoring: reduces risks of abuse of resources and duplication of activities.
  2. Result Based Management (RBM) approach with the aim of improving service delivery, management effectiveness and accountability by outlining expected results, monitoring progress towards the achievement of expected results, and integrating lessons learned into evidence based programming and implementation.
  3. Information Communication Technology; to ensure efficiency and timeliness
  4. Networking and benchmarking with Government, Institutions/Organizations in the same field.