As early as 7:00am, every corner of Namirembe Cathedral gardens was filled with Christians to honor the Climax of the Decade of Mission.
These prayers started at 8:00am under the theme derived from Psalm 89:22 and were led by Rev.Can.Jonathan Kisawuzi assisted by the Mission Secretary.
The Convention was blessed with one guest preacher from South Ankole – The Rt. Rev. Nathan Ahimbisibwe who preached from Psalm 89:22 and urged the Christians to shun being inward-looking and self-righteousness, and to be quick to repent and ask God for mercy.
Also preaching at this Convention, The Rt. Rev. Wilberforce Kityo Luwalira appreciated the Church for having grown with several spiritual and physical developments. New parishes and events have been formed. The diocesan Mission Ministry and activities have been greatly improved. He also informed Christians that construction of the Mission house is yet to be started and encouraged them to always know the season and what to do so as to utilize the available opportunities put before them for God’s glory.