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Bishop’s Diary

1st January 2024 – Namirembe Cathedral – New Years Day

3rd January 2024 –  Begging of year staff retreat- Protea Hotel

4th January 2024- Opening of Diocesan offices

11th January 2024- Meeting wit Dean, Ds, Archdeacon and Principal UMSN

16th -20th -January 2024- Clergy retreat

22nd-25th 2024- House of Bishops

25th January 2024-St. Paul’s day

28th January 2024- Busega Martyr’s da

17th February 2024 – Graduation UMSN

2nd February 2024 -Visit to Nangabo Vocation Center

4th-6th February 2024- Lay readers retreat

7th February 2024- Meeting  with Heads of departments, Dean, Ds, Archdeacon and principal UMSN

9th February 2024- Diocesan Synod

14th February 2024- Ash Wednesday

16th February- Janan Luwum Day Celebration

18th February 2024- Ground breaking Bbira Besaniya Plaza

 19th February-22nd February 2024-Global South new Bishops and their wives Retreat

27th-29th February 2024-Lay read readers retreat

4th March-7th March 2024- Bishop’s leadership summit

8th March 2024-Governing Council UMSN

10th March 2024 -Mission Sunday

15th March 2024-Graduation-UMSN

17th March 2024-Installation of Ven Wilson Kakooza

24th March 2024-Palm Sunday/KCB Founders day

26th March 2024-Bishop’s Easter Carols

29th March 2024-Good Friday

31st March 2024-Easter Sunday

1st April 2024-Easter Sunday

2nd  April 2024- Palm Sunday

7th April 2024-Good Friday

9th- 12th April 2024-Exposure visit to West Ankole Diocese with senior staff

16th -17th April 2024- Bishops and wives prayer retreat

8th May 2024-Visit Kyankwanzi Ranch

17th May 2024-Diocesan Council

26th May 2024-Musa Mukasa

3rd June 2024-Martry’s day

30th June 2024-St. Peters day

22nd July 2024-Mary Magdalane

27th July 2024-Consecreation of St. Stephen’s COU Kasangati

9th August 2024- Bunyoro Kitara consecration

16th August 2024-Visit to coffee projects

20th August 2024-Foundation day St. Mark Sekiwunga

20th-23rd August 2024-Provincial Assembly

11th September 2024-Meeting senior staff

22nd September 2024-Diocesan Convention

25th October 2024- Diocesan Council

21st November 2024-Meeting with Senior Staff

8th December 2024-Ordination Sunday

8th-13th December 2024-PAYSCO

25th December 2024-Christmas day

26th December 2024-Boxing day