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Become A Donor
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Contact Info

684 West College St. Sun City, United States America, 064781.

(+55) 654 - 545 - 1235


1.0 Introduction
Estates is a dynamic Department charged with the responsibility of ensuring efficient administration and sustainable management of the land and physical structures of the Diocese. The department is mandated to formulate and implement a Diocesan Land Policy, undertake land surveys, boundary opening and mapping, land registration, physical planning, land valuation, adjudication and settlement.
The day to day activities of the department are managed by the Diocesan Estates Secretary, governed by the Estates Board and supervised by the Diocesan Secretary.
1.1 Our Vision
To be a model department in land management, use and development in areas covered by Namirembe Diocese and beyond.
1.2 Our Mission
Protecting and promoting effective use of church land for social- economic sustainable development and prosperity in Namirembe Diocese and beyond.
1.3 Our Core Values
God fearing
Result oriented
2.0 Department Units Read More.